
Harzer Str. 39
12059 Berlin
workish.berlin is a space for work and other stuff. [work-] We took over the space from betahaus in 2021, inheriting super nice furniture and all the equipment you need for serious work. We’ve since grown to 3 floors of coworking, private offices, event space, and 100+ members, right here in Neukölln. [-ish] This is where the creative, fun, collaborative, scrappy, weird, entrepreneurial stuff comes in. After work beers every Wednesday. Exhibitions. Parties. A yoga room. We’ve even got a FabLab in the basement that we share with our neighbors at 42 Berlin. And since -ish is hard to describe, that’s the stuff you’ll have to see for yourself.
Events at workish
Wednesday, September 13
06:00pm - 08:00pm
Weekend-ish Community Beers
Every week, we meet for beers and BBQ in the workish garden. Join us for the Coworking Festival edition!
Thursday, September 14
05:00pm - 08:00pm
Meet the Machines @ FabLab Neukölln
The FabLab Neukölln is a collaboration powered by 42berlin and workish.berlin. It’s a maker space, creative workshop, and hardware lab, right here in Neukölln.
The 150sqm FabLab is split into two. A dirt lab with woodworking and metal working equipment, perfect for making dust and loud noises. Across the hall, you’ll find a clean lab equipped with a 3D printer, laser cutter, and textile lab where your electronics or more delicate projects can come to life.
Stop by to meet the machines and the makers.
Update: Reduced activities due to illness.